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 'Michael was too good for this world'

In jos 


Mesaje : 28
Data de inscriere : 21/06/2010
Varsta : 58

'Michael was too good for this world' Empty
MesajSubiect: 'Michael was too good for this world'   'Michael was too good for this world' Icon_minitimeLun Iun 21, 2010 4:38 pm


Latoya: "He's still here," she insists. "He's still with me and he's just waiting to let the world know"

'Michael was too good for this world' Latoya516123342a se pare ca Latoya vrea sa ne dea cateva indicii , iata ce apare si la statusul ei de pe facebook, dupa ce ne spune ca nu raspunde la mesaje desi le citeste ne mai da niste indicii pe cat de bizare pe atat de sugestive

Latoya JacksonI do not reply to messages. I read of course, but I do not answer !!!!

225 messages yesterday and today 328 messages. Sorry. Thank's you for you support and your L.O.V.E
GOD bless EVERYONE !!!


LOVE you ALL !!
, tin sa mentionez ca mesajul a fost scris pe data de 17.06.2010, daca este sa facem un calcul simplu 17 + 7(DaY 7) = 24. Oare sa se intample ceva pe 24.06.2010 ??, vom vedea, speram sa fie BAM :2782: :2782: :2782: 🇸🇸 🇸🇸
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'Michael was too good for this world'
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